#3 ✓resolved
Rick DeNatale

Component without recurrence properties should enumerate just itself.

Reported by Rick DeNatale | May 19th, 2009 @ 12:47 PM | in 0.0.8

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bruno Duyé
Date: Tue, May 19, 2009 at 9:57 AM
Subject: RI_CAL question
To: rick.denatale@gmail.com

Hi Rick,

I found your adress in your GitHub profile.
I'm working on ics calendars on a Rails project. My goal is to get a
list of legal holidays. I have a ics calendar that containts that
I first tried Icalendar (http://icalendar.rubyforge.org/) but, as you
probably know, it appears that it's just a ICS fileformat parser and
isn't able to generate a list of occurences.
So I turned myself to ri_cal.

I know how to parse a file to create a RiCal::Component::Calendar
object (RiCal.parse(my_file)) but I can't find how to get an Event
object to be able to call the RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator#occurrences
function who - if I understand well - is able to generate a list of
dates for an event of a calendar.

I tried :


irb(main):007:0> cal.first.events.first.occurrences
NoMethodError: undefined method bounded?' for<br/> RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::EmptyRulesEnumerator:Class<br/>        from /home/bruno/tmp/rubyredrick-ri_cal/lib/ri_cal/occurrence_enumerator.rb:113:in<br/>bounded?'        from /home/bruno/tmp/rubyredrick-ri_cal/lib/ri_cal/occurrence_enumerator.rb:117:in
to_a'        from /home/bruno/tmp/rubyredrick-ri_cal/lib/ri_cal/occurrence_enumerator.rb:137:in<br/>occurrences'        from (irb):7
       from :0

I suppose that it's not the regular way to do that.

Can you find the time to help me ?
I'm ok then to write a piece of doc explaining the best I can howto
accumplish that.

Thanks for ri_cal !
Bruno Duyé


-- Bruno Duyé
Silicon Salad
9 place de St André
59000 Lile

Tel 03 69 61 60 70
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-- Rick DeNatale

Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RickDeNatale
WWR: http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/9021-rick-denatale
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rickdenatale

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 19th, 2009 @ 12:53 PM

    • Title changed from “Fwd: RI_CAL question” to “EmptyRulesEnumerator bounded? missing?”
  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 19th, 2009 @ 12:54 PM

    • Assigned user set to “Rick DeNatale”
  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 19th, 2009 @ 02:35 PM

    This bug might be a little misleading. The calendar file of French holidays actually has no recurring events. Instead there are multiple individual events for

    Easter Monday 2007 Ascension day 2008 New Years day 2007 Fête du Travail (May Day) 2007 Armistice Day (WWII) 2007 Ascension day 2007 Easter Monday 2007 repeated in the file Bastille Day 2007 Feast of the Assumption 2007 etc.

    The bug was that the occurrence enumerator was not propertly handing enumerating an event without recurrence rules, or recurrence lists I have changed it so that an component without properties generating recurrences will produce ONE occurrents, i.e. the component itself.

  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 19th, 2009 @ 02:36 PM

    • Title changed from “EmptyRulesEnumerator bounded? missing?” to “Component without recurrence properties should enumerate just itself.”
  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 19th, 2009 @ 04:29 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “resolved”
    • Milestone set to 0.0.8
  • brunetton

    brunetton May 20th, 2009 @ 06:06 AM

    Thanks Rick, the bug is resolved in 0.0.8.

    But I still have a problem.
    In french calendar, there are some events that repeats, and some that doesn't. For example, the event "Jour de l'an" is daily repeated :

    SUMMARY:Jour de l'an
    CATEGORIES:Jours fériés

    but "Lundi de Pâques" for 2011 isn't :

    SUMMARY:Lundi de Pâques
    CATEGORIES:Jours fériés

    I still don't understand how to get all occurrences for one of that events.

    To be more precise, I've created a little ics file who only contains 2 events :
    - "event1" on the 2009 June 1, never repeated - "event2" on the 2009 June 3, monthly repeated

    That file is attached

    I suppose that there's a way to obtain an array of cal's events occurrences's dates, but I can't find how.
    I mean I'm looking for a way to do :

    > cal = RiCal.parse('test.ics')
    > occurences1 = cal.first.events.first.occurences(:after => Date.parse('01/01/1990'), :before => Date.parse(01/01/2010))

    and get an array that can be parsed with collect{} to obtain an array of Dates :

    > occurences1.collect{|o| o[:begin_date]}
    => [#<Date: 01/06/2009>]
    > occurences2 = cal.first.events[1].occurences(:after => Date.parse('01/01/1990'), :before => Date.parse(01/01/2010))
    > occurences2.collect{|o| o[:begin_date]}
    => [#<Date: 03/06/2009>, #<Date: 03/07/2009>, #<Date: 03/08/2009>, #<Date: 03/09/2009>, #<Date: 03/10/2009>, #<Date: 03/11/2009>, #<Date: 03/12/2009>]

    Maybe I am wrong and there's no way to do that ?

  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 21st, 2009 @ 05:20 PM


    I tried to verify your problem, but I'm not sure I understand.

    It seems to work except that the second event occurences are getting DateTimes for their dtstart values instead of Dates.

    Now I notice that you are thinking that occurrences returns a collection of hashes, it doesn't it returns a collection of components, e.g. Events so you should be using


    instead of


  • brunetton

    brunetton May 25th, 2009 @ 09:25 AM

    Hi Rick
    Thanks for your response. The heart of my problem was that I didn't knew the Event::dtstart() function. Now I'm able to do :

    > cal.first.events[1].occurrences(:starting => Date.parse('2009-07-21'), :before => Date.parse('2009-10-21')).collect{|a| a.dtstart.to_s}
    => ["2009-08-03T00:00:00+00:00", "2009-09-03T00:00:00+00:00", "2009-10-03T00:00:00+00:00"]

    It's perfect for me.
    I can write then a piece of doc to help other people like me who are looking for a way to enumerate all occurences of an event.


  • Rick DeNatale

    Rick DeNatale May 25th, 2009 @ 09:26 AM

    Perhaps you might consider adding something to the wiki on github under FAQs

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A new icalendar data (RFC 2445) gem for Ruby which supports time zones and enumeration of occurrences

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